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Competition Details 比賽詳情

Competition Period 比賽⽇期23rd November, 2018 - 1st December, 2018

Competition Venue 比賽地點: 

Hong Kong International Music Academy ⾹港國際⾳樂學院

Address: HKFO School of Music: G03, 33 Marble Road, North Point, Hong Kong

Registration Deadline 報名截⽌⽇期28th October, 2018 (click here to register)

Competition Schedule Notification 公佈賽程⽇期:  1st November, 2018

Prize Winners’ Concert 優勝者⾳樂會1st December, 2018

Competition Syllabus 比賽⽬錄(click for more details)

Competition Syllabus

Each competitor will play one piece of music of own-choice not exceeding 20 minutes.


Prizes 賽事奬項


 - 1st Prize: 24K Gold Medal, Cash Prize $30,000 & Certificate

   冠軍​:  24K ​​足金獎牌,現金獎港幣三萬元及獎狀

- 2nd Prize: Silver Medal, Cash Prize $20,000 & Certificate


- 3rd Prize: Bronze Medal, Cash Prize $10,000 & Certificate


- 4th Prize: Cash Prize $5,000 & Certificate


- Other 11 Finalists Prize: $1000 & Certificate


- All competitors will receive HKOMC Certificates of participation.


HKOMC reserves the right of the proportion of awards.  






Prize Winners’ Concert 優勝者⾳樂會


- All Prizes and Certificates will be presented at the Prize Winners’ Concert.

所有比賽項⽬之奬項及證 書將於優勝者⾳樂會中⼀併頒發。


- All competitors will be given two complimentary tickets subject to availability.

參賽者將獲發 2 張免費 優勝者⾳樂會⾨票,派完即⽌。


- Concert ticket is sold at HK $200; 15% discount if purchased on or before 10 Nov 2018. First come, first served.

優勝者⾳樂會⾨票每張港幣 $200,11 ⽉ 10 ⽇或之前訂購可享 85 折優惠,先到先得。

Competition Schedule Notification 公佈賽程⽇期

Competition Schedule Notification ​​

公佈賽程日期​: 1 / 11 / 2018


- Notification of competition schedules will be emailed to the competitors. Competitors should make sure all personal information is correctly recorded and notify the HKOMC of any mistakes on or before

2018 / 11 / 8 .  


賽程將電郵給參賽者。參賽者請確保所有個人及比賽資料均為正確無誤,如有錯漏, 請於 2018 年 11 月 8 日前聯絡大會。 

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